Aug 28Liked by Raika Sarkett

Raika, Thank you for sharing these words of wisdom. It’s a great piece. I’ve been noticing more and more lately the power in stepping away, taking deep breaths, and being present in the moment (through meditation) as soon as I feel the anxiety or frustration arise during the struggle of problem solving. I’ve had to practice simply recognizing my feelings and then acknowledging or facing them. This self awareness allows me to take an action to calm my busy brain and relax my body. Another tool that helps me is to pause and write about it. When I become curious without judgement, I usually find inspiration and solutions in that space of open mindedness and open heartedness. I get out of my own way by not overthinking or trying to force a solution when I’m stressed. I love and appreciate your insights into this personal struggle 🩷


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Thanks Betsy! Love the idea of writing without judgement and leaning into being curious instead! Will have to give that a try :)

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love the Huberman and Rick Rubin vid!

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Me too! Nice quick exercise too!

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